2July is an ongoing project to provide
a comprehensive, easy to navigate and entertaining site aimed
directly at UK teachers and students of mathematics.
It is primarily aimed at GCSE and
A level material, however, it is hoped that links to other levels
and other subject areas will be incorporated with time.
More detailed explanations of GCSE's,
AS/A2's and other UK qualifications can be found at FAQ .
I'm a teacher of mathematics with
over 16 years experience teaching in schools and colleges in London.
I run the site as a resource for students and other teacher where I
include worksheets, tests and other resources that I produce or find
to share with others (can be found using the resources or
download link
This site was created using OpenMind midmapping software and
 Free HTML Editor
Thanks and hope you find the site
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Can you help ?
If you find this site useful and
interesting please feel free to copy the following banners and
buttons for your own sites.
If you have any suggestions,
contributions, corrections or links that you wish to share with
others, please
and I'll do what I can.
